
Colonopathies appear to be caused by immune deregulation in the intestinal mucosa.
They are triggered by various factors (stress, surgical intervention, long-term or recurrent antibiotic therapy, immune shock on a neighbouring organ [e.g. liver, spleen] which caused sequelae such as hepatitis, parasitic diseases, etc.). In response to the trigger, the mucosa become immune-incompetent and their equilibrium is disrupted. The ensuing reaction is common to all mucous membranes, and involves inflammation, hypersecretion (mucus), oedema and pain, spasms, bloating or bleeding, with eczema-type lesions in Crohn’s disease or ulcerative-haemorrhagic lesions in ulcerative colitis. The extremely important role played by the intestine in overall immune equilibrium should be noted, as deregulation can lead to systemic autoimmune diseases. Thus, imbalance leading to modifications to the ecosystem can lead to remote alterations to the equilibrium in other mucous membranes (rhino-sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, urinary tract infections with recurrent or interstitial cystitis, eczema-like dermatosis). These disorders are thought to arise from the immune imbalance in the intestine, or “DYSBIOSIS”, and they are probably accentuated by modern diets and additional sources of pollution (heavy metal poisoning, exposure to organophosphorus, benzopyrenes, etc.)


It should be remembered that the intestine plays an essential role as a “veritable conveyor belt between the inside and the outside of the body”. It allows exchanges and the transit of elements derived from the diet towards the bloodstream by making oligo elements, vitamins and minerals bioavailable to the organism. These elements can be used (in particular in the liver) to produce hormones – chemical mediators necessary for the functioning of various organs (brain: serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine production; thyroid: T3L and T4L production; bones: parathyroid hormone, calcium, vitamin D; ovaries: oestrogen-progesterone equilibrium). This process starts in the intestine with chemical precursors that are essential to hormone synthesis. Thus, an immunological imbalance in the mucous membrane in the colon, due to endogenous deficiency, can create disorders at a distance from this organ such as depression, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances in women (e.g. mastosis, menopause) or bone problems (abnormally advanced osteoarthritis, osteoporosis). In addition, these same disorders are often linked in the same person as a result of their shared origin.


In therapeutic terms, it is therefore necessary before attempting any hormone substitution treatment or treatment based on chemical mediators (thyroid hormones, oestrogen, progesterone, antidepressants, calcium therapy, which are the usual treatments for this type of disease) to stimulate endogenous production throughout the organism through action on the intestinal mucosa. This stimulation will reinforce the immune competence of the cells to optimise self-regulation of the mucosal function, while also regenerating it for better reconstruction (significant role of vitamin B5, magnesium, sulphur, zinc-nickel-cobalt, manganese and copper). The treatment will consist in strengthening the colon’s immune defences by mesovaccination mainly performed intradermally as this route has been shown to have the most stimulating effect (since Pasteur, we know that vaccines must be administered by this route to be effective). Regeneration of the intestinal mucosa in response to vitamins and trace elements helps maintain good continuous self-regulation to sustain the body’s overall function