In the majority of patients displaying hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves, dysfunction of the upper cervical segment C1-C2-C3 centered on C2-C3 is observed. Clinical examination reveals a bone growth (exostosis) at the level of C2, which can cause extreme or “exquisite” pain on palpation. This pain is the result of irritation of the cervical nerve roots emerging at this level. Electrosensitivity follows a metameric topography causing cerebral or sometimes facial sensitivity. Irritation of the spinal nerve roots at the level of C2 causes hypersensitivity and hyperreactivity of the region upon exposure to electromagnetic waves (triggering factor). The patient’s history may include cervical trauma (“whiplash”), osteoarthritis with cervical block C1-C2-C3, apophysomegaly.
Patients with electrosensitivity must protect themselves against exposure to the waves emitted by cellphones, relay antennae, some types of light (and other sources of irritation). This can be achieved by wearing special high-coverage clothing, and adapting their living environment. Their social life is often difficult.
Steps must be taken to release the pressure on the nerve root emerging at C2 using percutaneous hydrotomy with calcium mesochelation. This technique can reduce the pressure on the nerve root by ionising the peripheral bone calcium, leading to a reduction in the exostosis, improving plasticity of the upper cervical segment centred on the 2nd cervical vertebra, and restoring mobility of the upper cervical segment (vertebral biodynamics). Between 6 and 12 sessions are necessary on average, with one session per week. Practical results are delayed to allow the brain (a veritable computer) to delete the message.